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trešdiena, 2010. gada 31. marts


There's something in a simple hug

That always warms the heart;

It welcomes us back home

And makes it easier to part.

A hug's a way to share the joy

And sad times we go through,

Or just a way for friends to say

They like you 'cause you're you.

A hug is an amazing thing...

It's just the perfect way

To show the love we're feeling

But can't find the words to say...

otrdiena, 2010. gada 30. marts


Ausīs skan viens vārds Ko vēlos Tev teikt, Par mīlestību, Par sapratni, Par līdzjūtību, Par visu. Bet ne pārāk klusi, Ne pārāk skaļi, Ne pārāk gari, Ne pārāk īsi. Tad nu saņemos un saku, Liels Paldies, ka tu man esi.

piektdiena, 2010. gada 26. marts


You are more than love to me...
You are everything.

Sun Rise

The grey began to fade,
As the colours filled the sky,
The chill began to warm,
As the sun began to rise.

A lost girl found direction,
As the eastern orb rose high,
The dark sky turned to blue,
Like the colour of his eyes.

Dark turned to light,
Grey turned to blue,
Lost became found,
That's when I met you.