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svētdiena, 2010. gada 31. janvāris

Key To My Heart

I had closed the door upon my heart
And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again.

I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.

Then you came into my life
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key
was impossible to find.

That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart...
You had it all along.

sestdiena, 2010. gada 30. janvāris

When you love someone

When you love someone so deep inside,
It seems like it's so easy to hide.
You've loved him for so very long,
You would think he could do no wrong.

Every day you would hope and pray,
That he would always stay this way.
He treated you like you should be treated,
You thought your life was finally completed.

You thought your love was growing true,
And then one day it was all so blue.
He started putting you down and it hurt,
You thought all you were to him was dirt.

He started ignoring you and you wondered why,
All you wanted to do was curl up and die.
You thought your relationship would never end,
But that was all so fake and pretend.

One night he was so sweet to you,
You thought all those things were maybe untrue,
Two days later he was back the same,
You thought you were the one to blame.

He thought the relationship was getting too serious
And that you had become a little too curious.
By this time you knew it wouldn't last,
All the nice things he said were in the past.

You thought that you would marry him some day,
But this time God wanted to get his way.
You wanted things back how they were before,
But you knew this couldn't happen anymore.

It was a Saturday night about ten o'clock,
You heard the news and it wasn't a shock.
You knew this was going to happen soon,
As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon.

I never really know you

You were just another friend

But when I got to know you,

I let my heart unbend.

I couldn't help past memories

That would only make me cry

I had to forget my first love

And give love another try

So I've fallen in love with you

and I'll never let you go

I love you more than anyone

I just had to let you know

And if you ever wonder why

I don't know what I'll say

But I'll never stop loving you

each and every day

My feelings for you will never change

Just know my feelings are true

Just remember one thing..


I don't wanna miss a thing by Aerosmith..

Es spētu palikt nomodā,  lai dzirdētu tavu elpu..

Skatīties kā tu smaidi, kad guli..

Es spētu pavadīt savu dzīvi kopā ar tevi..

Es varētu palikt šajā mirklī mūžīgi..

Katrs mirklis, ko es pavadu ar tevi..

..ir mana bagātība..

Es nevēlos aizvērt savas acis..

Es nevēlos iemigt..

Jo tad tu man pietrūksi..

Es nevēlos pazaudēt tevi..

Katrs sapnis, ko sapņoju par tevi..

Ir saldākais sapnis, kāds man jebkad ir bijis..

Es nevēlos pazaudēt tavu smaidu..

Es nevēlos to pazaudēt..

Es tikai vēlos būt kopā ar tevi..

Šeit...mirklī, kā šis..

Es vēlos turēt tevi cieši sev klāt..

Dzirdēt tavu sirdi tik tuvu manai..

Un palikt šajā momentā visu šo laiku..

Guļot tev blakus..

Dzirdot tavus sirdspukstus..

Ess domāju...par ko tu sapņo..

Prātoju, ka varbūt savos sapņos tu redzi mani...

Tad es noskūpstītu tevi..

Un pateiktos Dievam, ka mēs esam kopā..

Es tikai vēlos būt ar tevi kopā..

Tagad, vienmēr, mūžīgi....


Kad sāpes pārņem dvēseli

Un nejūtīgs ir viss

Es došos pie tevis..

Tikai tas man ir atlicis..

Tu esi daļa no manis

Daļa no sirds..

Zaudēt tevi ir zaudēt sevi..

Nu ir pateikts viss..

Ja pāries reiz sāpes

Un dzīvot spēšu es..

Tad atmiņas manas

Sirds smagumu līdzi nes.

Es nesolos smaidīt,

Es nesolos raudāt,

Bet vienīgi zinu,

Ka mīlēt spēju jaudāt.

Sēžu sapņainu cilvēku pārpildītā telpā un domāju...

Kādēļ viņi ir tik laimīgi? 

Nu...vismaz izskatās..

Tie sēž un sapņo.

Ikdienas rūpes ir palikušas aiz muguras.

Ir tikai šis brīdis..nekas vairāk.

Kā ir ļauties sapņiem un aizmirst par realitāti?

Droši vien, ka labi, jo...

..sapņojot mēs izdzīvojam savu ideālo dzīvi..

Laikam būs jāļaujas, lai sapņi ievelk savā pasaulē..


fakts iz dzīves.


Kas tik svarīgs ir jāizdara, la Tu to varētu saukt par dzīvi?

Ik dienu TU garām palaid mirkli, kad vari būt patiesi laimīgs..

Pirmais tauriņš, ziedi, tikko pļautas zāles smarža..

Vai Tu to ievēro?

Kā būtu, ja katru dienu Tu piecelties ar domu būt patiesi laimīgam un ar smaidu sejā..?

Vai Tu būtu laimīga, ja priecātos par to, kas tev ir apkārt?

Jā, Tu būtu!

Kaut es uz brīdi varētu aizbēgt kopā ar tevi un parādīt kā jādzīvo..

Jā...kaut es varētu..

Tomēr tas ir tavā ziņā.

Ja Tu nebaudīsi dzīvi, tad tā nebaudīs tevi...

Tas nu ir fakts.


Pasaule ir skaista...tā tu teici, kad juties laimīgs...
Pasaule nav skaista...tā tu teici, kad bēdas pārņēma tavu dvēseli..
Kā tad īsti ir?
Kas tavu pasauli padara skaistu?
Ģimene, draugi,mīlestība?
Vai tas viss pazūd, kad tu jūties nelaimīgs?
Nē...Tu vienkārši to nevēlies ieraudzīt un novērtēt..
Labāk smaidi, tava diena kļūs gaišāka...
Smaidi - tu izskaties pēc eņģeļa...mana eņģeļa.
Kad skumjas pārņem tavu dvēseli, tu sev līdzi ievelc arī mani..
Vai tu to vēlies?
Pasaule nevar likt tev smaidīt..
Tas ir tikai tavos spēkos.

Patiesā spēle

Patiesas izjūtas, patiesi skatieni..vai tu joko?
Stipras jūtas pret tevi, sapņi un iedomas..
tā nav tikai spēle - tā ir mīlestība..
Es nejokoju ar tavām jūtām, es nemeloju par savām..
Es to jūtu - tas esi tu!
Kaut asaras lietas par tevi, es nespēju nedomāt par tevi.
Raudāt aiz bailēm pazaudēt tevi..
Griezties spēlē ar tevi, līdz sareibst galva -
tas ir labāk nekā negriezt savu pasauli vispār..
Palikt mīlestības vidū un izbaudīt to, tas ir labākais ko varam piedzīvot..
Patiesā mīlestībā sāpju nav..jāmāk to atrast...un sajust.

Sen, sen...

Tas sākās sen..tik sen, ka pat neatceros kā tas bija.. kā tu turēji manu roku un ar drebošām rokām kokā grebi manu vārdu. Kā solījies būt uzticīs un mīlēt mani. Jā, tā bija..bet kas notika? Tu salausi manu sirdi tūkstoš mazos kristāliņos.. tas ir tik smagi - redzēt tevi katru dienu un izlikties, ka nesāp.. Es tev lūdzu..nejoko ar mani..tas sāp... Zini tikai to, ka man ar tevi bija labi.. Lidināties pāris centimetrus virs zemes skaitījās normāli... bet tomēr tu mani noturēji..kādu mirkli...vismaz. Tagad iesim katrs savu ceļu.. mūsu mazais mīlasstāsts ir izstāstīts un aizmirsts.

2008.g vasara.


"Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.."

Our love

You hold my hand, I caress your lips,
You look into my eyes and my heart beat skips.
I stroke your back skin so soft and smooth,
I admire your face, every line, every groove.
We move in a little closer, our bodies entwine,
you touch my neck, it sends shivers down my spine.
You whisper that you love me and I know it's true
because I feel it in my heart and I love you too.

I make this solemn promise to you:

To be your lover when you need to be loved,
your doctor when you are ill,
your army when you go to war,
your umbrella when life rains down on you,
your rock when you get weary,
your shield when you need defense,
your spirit when you are drained,
your pillow when you need to rest,
your voice when no one can hear you,
your ear when no one will listen,
your comfort when you feel pain,
your hero when you are under duress,
your sunshine when darkness falls,
your answer when questions arise,
your inspiration to overcome obstacles,
your hand to hold when you are frightened,
your kiss that wakes you everyday,
and your "I love you" each and every night.

I am yours... all of me.

Thank you

The sun sets
Upon the golden sand
We sit together
Hand in hand

We gently embrace
And look into each other's eyes
I wonder if you are
An angel in disguise

You hold me
Like there's no tomorrow
I suddenly forget
The past sorrow

I kiss your soft lips
And you kiss mine
I never knew
Loving someone could be this fine

You pick me up
And carry me to our room
Oh how a love can blossom
And a heart can bloom.

Your touch is so gentle
But your hands so strong
How could a love like this
Ever go wrong?

My heart is beating
200 times a minute
Because my love
You are in it

The sound of your heartbeat
All through the night
We fall asleep in each other's arms
And wake to the morning light.

I look into your eyes
And this is when
I say "Thank You"
For teaching me to love again.

Saying I do

Saying I do
Is more than saying I love you
It goes beyond describing how my love is true
Because words are not enough to express my love for you.

Saying I do
Is like saying I am here for you
That I am ready to see what the future may bring
Because we are together in everything.

Saying I do
Is saying I am now complete because of you
That the pieces of the puzzle called "my life"
Becomes a beautiful picture called "our love".

And now I am saying "I DO"
As I walk down the aisle with you
This is a lifetime promise that I will hold
A promise I make until we grow old.

- M. Pascual -

It's perfect!

It's perfect, and touches me deep
First thing in the morning, when I hear you speak
And last thing at night as you bid me sweet dreams
The brush of your lips lets me know what you mean

And all of the hours that pass through the day
Those spent together and when you're away
I think of you always, imagine your touch
Think how to show you, I love you so much

So when we're apart, and you long for me near
Just try to remember, you're already here
For deep in my heart, where no one can see
You'll be forever, together we'll be

piektdiena, 2010. gada 29. janvāris

One Wish

If I had one wish.
If one desire could come true.
If I had one wish.
My wish would be you.

If I could choose.
I would stay in your arms forever.
Our hearts would fuse.
And our love would become an endeavor.

I would wish for you to stay with me.
For you to be my love.
You would be my hearts key.
Forever my angel, my dove.

Forever is a long time.
To require in a single command.
I will write our love in a rhyme.
For it would be my demand.

I would ask of this.
Only with your permission.
Lost in a kiss.
Our love is my ambition.

So I wished upon the star.
The star that reminded me most of you.
My actions seemed bizarre.
But this wish I had to pursue.

If I had one wish.
My wish would be you.
And since I made that wish.
My wish has come true...

Key To My Hear

I had closed the door upon my heart
And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again.
I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.
Then you came into my life
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key was impossible to find.
That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart...
You had it all along.
- Marsha Hoyt -


*Neziņa un greizsirdība ir divas mokošākās sajūtas*

trešdiena, 2010. gada 27. janvāris


Tu.Tu mans jaukais un uzticamais draugs.Mana mīlestība.Pirmā.
Tu.Tu mans atbalsts un prieks,mana laime un bēdas.
Tu.Tu manu smieklu un asaru vērts.Tu.Mana mīlestība.Pirmā..
Tavs skatiens,tavas lūpas un smaids..
Tava mīlestība pret manis..es to jūtu.
Tu mana nākotne,mans atbalsts,manu sirdspukstu atbalss.
Mana mīlestība.Pirmā.


Ar asarām acīs rakstīt šos vārdus, kuri tā vien grib kā pārlauzties pāri lūpām.
Nav viegli..
Ir grūti mīlēt un ciest. Jā, ir grūti. Kādēļ?
Kādēļ mīlestība sev līdzi nes sāpes un ciešanas?
Kādēļ viss vienkārši nevar būt burvīgi?
Turpināties kā iesākās un nekad nebeigties..
Kur pazūd mīlestība?


*Bet bagāts ir nevis tas, kam daudz pieder, bet tas, kam nekā vairāk nevajag.*
*Kas daudz ir ticis mīlēts, tas daudz var izturēt. Un vai vēl kāds ir vairāk mīlēts par mani? Reiz saņemta mīlestība ir jādāvina tālāk, citādi tā pārvēršas indē, kas saēd glabātāja trauku.*